Computer- Assisted PLC-Controlled Tower Crane System
The application of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) remains relevant to the globally competitive industry with every movement of the processing machines which were aided by the PLC. With its advanced usage, it is increasingly becoming an important part in the industry and academe as well. Thus, it is essential that this knowledge is effectively delivered to students with practical applications. For this reason, the researcher was motivated to design and assemble a Computer- Assisted PLC-Controlled Tower Crane System. This study describes a prototype of a tower crane equipped with a programmable logic controller. It aimed to assess the functionality of the system in terms of faster information flow with greater accuracy and improved driving efficiency. Furthermore, it aimed to ascertain the level of effectiveness of the instructional tool as an alternative solution to expensive and proprietary laboratory equipment for electrical technology and engineering courses especially in teaching control system automation for students and instructors. The study was conducted at Bohol Island State University Main Campus, Tagbilaran City and in different learning institutions and private industries in the province of Bohol during the Academic Year 2016-2017. The study employed the experimental method of research in testing its effectiveness. The functionality of the system was evaluated by experts from the academe and industry. The respondents of the study who took the pre- and post-skill test were the third year Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology and Electrical Engineering students. The results revealed that the electrical and electronic parts of the Computer- Assisted PLC-Controlled Tower Crane System was found to be functional and operates to its optimum capability based on the evaluation made by the researcher and experts on the device. As to its effectiveness, it was found out that there is a significant increase in the performance of the students after being exposed to the instructional tool. Based on the results, the researcher highly recommends the use of the Computer- Assisted PLC-Controlled Tower Crane System as a tool for instruction in electrical technology and engineering laboratories and improve with provisions for various types of PLC and programming language.