Resilient Document Management System for Programmatic Accreditation with Analytics
Accreditation is a process of assessing a higher learning institution’s capability to provide the needed facilities and resources for a certain program. It covers different aspects of program development and operation including vision and mission, faculty, curriculum and instruction, student services, research, extension and community involvement, library, physical plant and facilities, laboratories and administration. This paper presents the development of a Resilient Document Management System for Programmatic Accreditation with Analytics. The system was developed mainly for managing the documents needed for accreditation. It is composed of four (4) modules: content management which allows system modifications; document flow which includes routing of documents for signing; accreditation requirements which covers the collection and validation of all documents needed for accreditation; and report which produces self-assessment, progress, non-conformance, risk analysis, non-compliance impact analysis and prediction reports. A decision tree algorithm was utilized for the prediction report in which a total of 92.16% correctly classified instances was perceived. Assessments using evaluation forms adapted from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 25010 were then conducted to ensure that the developed system passed the software quality standards. As a result, for the product quality, functional suitability, performance efficiency, compatibility, usability, reliability, security, maintainability, and portability obtained a mean of 4.43, 4.34, 4.57, 4.62, 4.60, 4.63, 4.60 and 4.96 respectively. Meanwhile, an overall mean of 5.00 was obtained for the acceptance testing. The results entail that the system passed the required product quality and quality in use characteristics of a software.