The Effects of Computer Aided Lessons / Computer Aided Instructions (CAL/CAI) in Science and Health 5 with Integration to Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) - Related Lessons



The study validated Computer Aided Lessons / Computer Aided Instructions (CAL/CAI) in Science and Health 5 with Integration to Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DDRM) Related – Lessons for the pupils of Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School in the school year 2017 – 2018. The subjects of the study were the grade 5 pupils of Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School. A total of sixty (60) pupils were considered in the study, thirty (30) served as the experimental group and (30) thirty were in the control group. Thirty (30) public elementary school teachers who are teaching Science were also considered as respondents of the study since they validated the acceptability of the developed CAL/CAI enhancement material in Science and Health 5. The topics included were DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction Management) Related lessons. The topics were derived on K to 12 Curriculum of the Philippines. The topics made with the CAL/CAI enhancement material are Weather Disturbances, Shows Emergency Preparedness Before, During and After a Typhoon and Storm Warning Signals The results described that the CAL/CAI enhancement material in Science and Health 5 is highly acceptable by the respondents. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the control and experimental group were higher than the pretest. There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest results of the experimental and control groups with respect to all lessons in Science and Health 5. The level of performance of the experimental and control groups as revealed by their posttest mean scores with respect to Shows Emergency Preparedness Before, During and After a Typhoon and Storm Warning Signals is significantly different while there is no significant difference with respect to Weather Disturbances. The CAL/CAI enhancement material in science and health 5 were found effective in teaching Storm Warning Signals, moderately effective in the topic Shows Emergency Preparedness Before, During and After a Typhoon and not effective in the topic Weather Disturbances. The experts evaluated the CAL/CAI enhancement material in Science and Health 5 as very much accepted having obtained a total mean score of 4.88 which is verbally interpreted as very much accepted by the experts.

Author Biography

Paulo Martin Militante Aquino, Department of Education

MAT - Science, Ph.D -Educational Management





