A Computerized Touchscreen Student Voting System for the Universities and Colleges


  • Jeff Galapon Pereyras Pangasinan State University - Lingayen Campus


Computerized Touchscreen Student Voting System


Abstract – The research was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the existing student voting system of the Universities and Colleges, particularly in the Pangasinan State University - Lingayen Campus, where it was taken as a sample, as a basis for proposing a computerized touchscreen student voting system. The study utilized the descriptive-developmental method of research. In gathering data needed in this study, the questionnaire-checklist, casual interview and observation techniques were resorted to. The data gathered through the questionnaire were organized and tabulated. Analysis of data was done through the use of such statistical tools as weighted mean and t-test.

On the effectiveness of the existing student voting system, the existing student voting system was perceived by the student organization advisers as “Effective” and the existing student voting system was perceived by the students as “Somewhat Effective”. Findings showed also that, there is a significant difference in the respondents’ perception on the effectiveness of the existing student voting system. Further, the proposed computerized touchscreen student voting system is highly acceptable to the students. After a thorough consideration of the findings and conclusions of this study, the researcher highly recommends that the management of the different Universities and Colleges, particularly the sample University, the Pangasinan State University - Lingayen Campus, with the approval of the Students’ Affairs Office and the University Student Council adopt the proposed computerized touchscreen student voting system in the near future.





