Competency Assessment of The Accountancy, Business and Management Grade 12 Learners in The Department of Education for TESDA Bookkeeping NC III Qualification
This research aimed to predict the chance of a Senior High School Assesse to pass the Competency Assessment for the Qualification of Bookkeeping NC III to be conducted by a TESDA Competency Assessor. The study was a mixed method approach using the predictive validity research methodology with 17 Assesses. Scorecard revealed that for an Assesse to pass the Competency Assessment successfully, the percentage score must be 75%. In achieving the goal, the study designed Instructional Materials (IMs) such as a Teacher’s Made Module and an In-House Assessment Tool that explored the Five Core Competencies. The prediction validity confirmed that the test results of the 17 Assesses with transmutation values of 4 had descriptive equivalencies of a very high probability of the prediction made such that the In-House Assessment Tool can predict the required competencies, can predict the chance of passing, can predict the required passing scores and can predict the actual scores of the TESDA Assessment, therefore, reject the null hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, and H4). Besides, the 17 Assesses were all competent, where A4 and A13 (77) got the lowest on actual scores, and A6 and A14
(86) got the highest on actual scores, therefore, reject the null hypotheses (H5, H6, and H7) because the results further confirmed that the In-House Assessment Tool had a very high probable relationship as to the TESDA Assessment Tool, the required competencies in the industry and both on their weighted learning competencies (LCs). Data on the training gaps and needs analyses served as a reference guide for the Accounting teachers to reposition actual teaching methods and strategies in the areas which are parts of the Assessment Scorecard in their Remediation, Enrichment, and Exercises (REE) in the future.