A Qualitative Study on the Impact of the 4P’s Program in Lingayen, Pangasinan


  • Evangeline Pescador


This research is a qualitative study on the impact of the 4Ps program in the Municipality of Lingayen, Pangasinan’s Capital town. It aimed to find out its effect and impact in alleviating poverty and to determine is the program objectives have been achieved. The descriptive qualitative method of research was applied using in-depth interviews, focus groups and content analysis as research designs. Ten 4 Ps.  beneficiaries were randomly selected from the 32 barangays of Lingayen. One household with a PWD, a Pregnant woman and those families with more than three children were likewise selected. The findings revealed that all 32 barangays of Lingayen are covered by the 4Ps program; 6 barangays are classified as the poorest; there are 4560 active household beneficiaries; 304 with a Person with disability (PWD); 798 with a pregnant woman; 3006 with 3 children or more; 10,235 schoolchildren aged 0 to 18 years old; 1806 are enrolled in SUCs; 5430 are PhilHealth beneficiaries. A total of P7.18 Million cash grants were disbursed in 2017, P3.56 Million for education and P3.62 Million for health. Compliance rates with conditions set for entitlement to cash grants were very high, with deworming getting the highest compliance rate, although in all conditions all results were within the (90% to 100%). The worst effect of the 4Ps is the refusal of beneficiaries to be subjected to farm work which gives them oppressive wages; mendicancy and corruption of local officials and loan sharks who take advantage of beneficiaries and the “one day millionaire attitude”. As to its general impact, the 4Ps reduced poverty by 1.4%300 to 500 less poor Lingayenenses from 2017 to May 2018. 87% of 4Ps parents are now more optimistic about their situation and their children’s futures. As to health, there is a rreduction in severe stunting among beneficiary children; lower maternal mortality in the past five years because more mothers deliver babies in health facilities (7/10 live births); drastic decrease in alcoholism in 4Ps households (spending on vices was lower by 39%); 4Ps beneficiaries consume more rice and cereals than non-beneficiaries. As to education, there is an increase in the number of schoolchildren attending high school by 7.8% and 3.4% among 4Ps beneficiaries and near universal school enrolment of elementary age children for 4Ps households (98%). As to local economies, 4Ps households invest more in working assets (livestock, machineries) than non-beneficiaries and they spend more on basic needs such as food, education and medicine that stimulate the growth of the local economy. It was concluded that Under the management of Department of Social and Welfare Development (DSWD), the 4Ps is widely known to be the lynchpin of the government’s anti-poverty efforts. Data have shown that it has decreased the poverty incidence rate lowering the population of the poor in the country. Like other programs, it has downsides and negative effects, nevertheless these are outweighed by its benefits and advantages, which has mostly been for the children and the youth, focusing on basic services like health, education and nutrition. It was recommended that Access to the other factors of production and growth will also need to dramatically improve for the vast majority of the population; more jobs must be created and more entrepreneurship encouraged to spur economic development; to sustain if not continuously improve the Impact Evaluation Evidence and a selection process that is transparent and not politicized.





