Acceptability and Awareness of Vision and Mission of the University, Institutional Objective and Program Objective of BS Business Administration


  • Ma. Jasmin J De Guzman
  • Karen Lea A Estira
  • Nova E Arquillano
  • Randy Joy Magno Ventayen


vision, mission, goals, objectives, bsba


This study covers Bachelor of Science in Business Administration acceptability of Vision, Mission, Institutional Goals, and Objectives. The respondents of this study are students, faculty members, administrators and stakeholders of different academic programs. This study aimed to determine the awareness and acceptability of faculty members, administrators, staff, stakeholders, and students. This descriptive study was conducted in 2017 with the aid of questionnaire as data gathering instrument. Administrators have the highest mean on awareness of PSU Vision and Mission and Campus Goals. Stakeholders have the highest mean on awareness of Business Administration program objectives. Faculty and staff have the lowest mean on awareness of PSU Vision and Mission, Campus Goals and Business Administration program objectives. Stakeholders have the highest mean on the acceptability of PSU Vision and Mission and Business Administration program objectives while administrators have the highest acceptability of PSU Campus Goals. Faculty and staff have the lowest mean on the acceptability of University Mission and Campus Goals while students have the lowest mean on the acceptability of the University Vision and Business Administration program objectives.





