About the Journal

Expanding Horizons Through Interdisciplinary Research

Welcome to the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (AJMS), your premier source for cutting-edge research that crosses traditional academic boundaries. At AJMS, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive community of scholars, researchers, and practitioners who are eager to explore and address the complex challenges and opportunities of our interconnected world.

Our Vision

AJMS aims to be a beacon of interdisciplinary scholarship, illuminating the intersections of knowledge that spark innovation and progress. We believe that by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, we can uncover solutions to the pressing issues facing Asia and beyond.

Aims and Scope

The Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (AJMS) is dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly research and knowledge across a broad spectrum of academic fields. AJMS provides an international forum for the publication of original, high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of various disciplines and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding. Our aim is to support and encourage scholars to share insights that push the boundaries of knowledge, address contemporary challenges, and offer innovative solutions.


  • Promote Multidisciplinary Research: To facilitate the exchange of ideas, methodologies, and findings across diverse disciplines, including but not limited to social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, health sciences, humanities, and arts.
  • Foster Global Collaboration: To create a platform that encourages and promotes collaboration among researchers from different geographical regions and academic backgrounds.
  • Enhance Academic Excellence: To maintain the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity, ensuring that all published works contribute significantly to their respective fields.
  • Encourage Innovation: To highlight and support innovative research that offers novel approaches to solving complex problems, both theoretical and applied.
  • Support Emerging Scholars: To provide opportunities for emerging scholars to publish their work and engage with a global audience, contributing to the development of future leaders in multidisciplinary research.


AJMS is interested in articles that provide insights into the intersections of various disciplines, offering new perspectives and fostering innovative frameworks for understanding complex phenomena. The journal welcomes submissions from the following non-exhaustive list of disciplines:

  • Social Sciences: Including but not limited to anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics, political science, and education.
  • Natural Sciences: Including biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and environmental studies.
  • Health Sciences: Covering public health, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and biomedical research.
  • Engineering and Technology: Including civil, mechanical, electrical, computer science, and information technology.
  • Humanities and Arts: Encompassing history, literature, philosophy, art, and culture studies.

Submissions can include empirical research, comprehensive review articles, case studies, theoretical discussions, and methodological advancements that meet the journal's standards for scholarly excellence.

See detailed Aims and Scope of the Journal. 

AJMS is committed to serving as a bridge between diverse academic communities, encouraging contributions that have the potential to inspire cross-disciplinary dialogues and advance our collective understanding of multifaceted issues.