Use of Generative AI

The Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and originality in scholarly publishing. Recognizing the evolving role of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in research and writing, this policy guides authors on the ethical and responsible use of these tools.

To ensure transparency, accountability, and academic integrity in the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the manuscript preparation process. This policy applies to all authors submitting to the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, encompassing all forms of content including articles, reviews, and commissioned works.

This policy reflects the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies' commitment to ethical scholarship and the responsible use of emerging technologies in academic publishing. By fostering an environment of transparency and integrity, the journal ensures that the advancements in generative AI contribute positively to the quality and credibility of scholarly work.


  1. Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies: Authors are permitted to use generative AI tools to enhance the readability and language of their manuscripts. However, these tools must not be used to perform core authoring tasks, such as generating scientific, pedagogic, medical insights, drawing scientific conclusions, or providing clinical recommendations. The primary role of generative AI should be assistive, complementing the author's expertise and insights.

  2. Human Oversight: Authors must maintain human oversight and control over the use of generative AI technologies, ensuring that all content is reviewed and edited for accuracy, completeness, and bias. Authors are ultimately responsible for the content of their work.

  3. Disclosure Requirement: The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies must be disclosed at the time of manuscript submission. A statement detailing the extent and nature of the technology's use will be included in the published work to promote transparency and trust among readers, reviewers, editors, and the broader scholarly community.

  4. Prohibition on AI Authorship: Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies cannot be listed as an author or co-author of any manuscript. Authorship entails responsibilities and intellectual contributions that can only be attributed to humans, including accountability for the work's integrity and approval of the final version for publication.

  5. Compliance with Publishing Ethics: Authors must ensure their work is original, does not infringe on third-party rights, and adheres to the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies' publishing ethics. Familiarity with and adherence to these ethical guidelines is mandatory for all submissions.

Implementation and Compliance

  • Monitoring and Adjustment: The Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies will monitor developments in the use of generative AI and may adjust or refine this policy as necessary.
  • Training and Resources: Authors are encouraged to seek training and resources on responsible AI use. The journal may provide guidelines and educational materials to support compliance with this policy.
  • Enforcement: Violations of this policy may result in manuscript rejection or retraction, and other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate by the editorial board.