Plagiarism Testing Tool

In our commitment to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, we utilize Turnitin, a leading plagiarism detection software, to examine all submissions thoroughly. This tool helps us ensure the originality of content and maintain the quality of publications in the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.

How We Use Turnitin

Turnitin is renowned for its comprehensive database, which includes billions of internet sources, academic papers, and journals. When a manuscript is submitted to our journal, it goes through Turnitin's scanning process to detect any potential plagiarism. This is an essential step in our submission review process, ensuring that all published works are original and contribute new knowledge to the field.

Acceptable Similarity Index

We understand that a certain level of similarity may occur in academic writing, especially when it comes to the use of common terminology and concepts. Therefore, we consider an acceptable similarity index of 15 percent. This threshold allows for incidental similarities while effectively preventing plagiarism. It is important to note that each submission is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and the context of the similarity is always taken into consideration.

Instructions for Authors

  1. Prepare Your Manuscript: Before submission, ensure your manuscript is thoroughly checked and properly cited.
  2. Submission: Submit your manuscript through our online portal.
  3. Plagiarism Check: Your submission will automatically be checked by Turnitin through our system.
  4. Review Your Report: If your manuscript's similarity index is above 15%, you may need to revise and resubmit. Pay close attention to the highlighted sections in the Turnitin report and make necessary adjustments.
  5. Final Submission: After making the required changes, resubmit your manuscript for final review.

We value the contribution of every author and researcher to the Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies. By ensuring the originality of each submission, we maintain the trust and respect of the academic community. If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.