This study determined the profile, common relief goods received, their usual practice during planning, repacking and distributing of relief goods and their sensitiveness relating to their profile. During disasters and emergencies affects various aspects of people’s well- being in their physical, social and economic domains but particularly women. About 75% of displaced people are women and girls, due to separation from their families which their vulnerability to reproductive and sexual health problems increased rates of domestic violence is evident. Relief goods are essential in alleviating their worries and problems considering the different types of relief goods but mostly the family package goods but few on the personal needs of women and girls. Descriptive survey design utilized, questionnaire-checklist and interview were used. The locale of the study includes the four cities and 12 municipalities representing the six (6) districts and with a total of 168 respondents. Percentage and weighted mean was utilized. Sex- disaggregated data pre and post is observed. Repacking stage is mostly female while in distributing of relief goods mostly are male. Plans should be adjusted to people’s needs in order to overcome their being vulnerable. Train more women leaders to institutionalize gender-equal project planning, implementation and monitoring initiatives. Enhance women’s capacity to manage risks on reducing their vulnerability and maintaining or increasing their opportunities in development.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2019 Catalina Platon, Josephine T Cabading, Zenaida T Cruz