Cognitive ability predicts mathematics performance. However, there are other factors like study habits and psycho-sociological characteristics which also influence students’ performance. With these factors, this study aspires to obtain a structural model that best fit college mathematics performance. The study was conducted using descriptive - correlational method. Employing convenience sampling, a total of 278 second year to fourth year BSED students of the selected state colleges and universities in the Davao region were subjected to study. Descriptive statistics was used to determine the respondents’ cognitive ability level, psycho-sociological level, level of study habits, and college mathematics performance. The structural equation modeling (SEM) was then employed to test the structural model fit of the variables. Results show that the respondents have very satisfactory cognitive ability level based on high school GPA and college admission test. Their psycho-sociological and study habits levels were both slightly high. Their college mathematics performances were also in very satisfactory level. A structural equation model that best fit mathematics performance was determined. The latent variables - cognitive ability, psycho-sociological factors, and study habits have direct effects to the mathematics performance with values 0.17, 0.08, and 0.42, respectively. It means that if these variables increase, college mathematics performance also increases. In the model, the variables being considered significantly contribute to the variation in performance by 25%. For further research on mathematics performance, inclusion of other non-cognitive factors is recommended.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Aldwin Tampos Miranda