The study is an assessment of the effectiveness of instruction in the Creative Writing elective at the Philippine Science High School - Main Campus primarily based on the quarterly periodic examination (which are based on novels) results of the CW students. Since numerous studies show that writing and reading are inherently related, and the CW students were given extra exposure to literature and the opportunity to examine and explore their own reading and writing processes, it could be assumed that students with a CW elective would perform relatively better in the quarterly periodic examinations than their non-CW peers (Batch 2019). The study compared the quarterly examination averages of the CW class of 15 students with the eight non-CW sections of about 26-29 students each, where the CW class ranked 5, 2, and 1 in the first three quarters of AY 2018-2019. A Likert scale survey was then administered to the CW students to identify the strengths and areas of improvement in the instruction, such as whether the CW elective helped them prepare for their periodic examinations. A Small Group Analysis was afterwards conducted to clarify and process the recurring responses in the questionnaire and to identify concerns that were not addressed in the survey. Finally, an interview with the instructor was conducted to address the CW students’ concerns and responses in the survey and SGA. A number of recommendations based on the analysis of the results were provided in the conclusion, including articulating the curriculum’s Content Standards, Performance Standards, and Target Learning Competencies; providing the students with activity rubrics; emphasizing the PSHSS Mission-Vision in the course; and incorporating the results of the survey and SGA into the instructional process, among others.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Benigno Montemayor, Jr.