Suicidal ideation is a highly reliable precursor of suicide attempt and complete suicide which constitutes fleeting and extensive thoughts, exhaustive planning, and role playing of killing oneself. In the Philippines, local literature and studies on suicidal ideation among youth are sparse and received scant attention in terms of research and prevention despite the burgeoning number of suicide cases in the country. This study aimed to examine the demographic and psychological factors as correlates of suicidal ideation among selected Filipino high school students from private institution. Demographic factors are gender, age, and grade level while psychological factors include depression, anxiety, and stress as measured by the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale – 42. Moderate Scale for Suicidal Ideation was administered to determine the students’ level of suicidal ideation. The results revealed normal to moderate levels of depression and stress but moderate to extremely severe levels of anxiety among the grades 7 to 12 students. Majority have low to moderate levels of suicidal ideation. Surprisingly, a large percentage of high school students have severe level of suicidal ideation. Somers’ delta revealed no significant relationship between age and suicidal ideation at (r = 0.6, p < .223) and (r = 0.11, p <.053) in terms of grade level. Theta correlation also showed no significant relationship between gender and suicidal ideation at (r = .04, p <.429) respectively. There was a significant relationship between the psychological factors and suicidal ideation. Depression contributed to suicidal ideation in a moderate level at (r = 0.51, p <.001), anxiety contributed to suicidal ideation in low level at (r = 0.36, p <.001), while stress contributed to suicidal ideation in low level at (r = 0.36, p <.001). The results called for concerted efforts from parents, schools, and mental health professionals in promoting mental health among youth.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Jowie Lumanog Advincula