This pioneering study aimed to develop, validate and propose four (4) 22-page Curriculum Competency Checklists for the research subjects 1 to 4 of the Special Science Program of the Philippines, and measure its level of spiral progression, contextualization, practicality, and acceptability. The proposed Curriculum Competency Checklist were first drafted in 2014 by the researcher and went on with several revisions in 2015 to 2017. They were subjected to validity test by five (5) experts from various universities in the Philippines along the four (4) areas: spiral progression, contextualization, practicality, and acceptability. Findings revealed that the four proposed Curriculum Competency Checklists were found to be very high in spiral progression, very highly contextualized, very highly
practical, and very highly acceptable. With this, the researcher recommends that the proposed curriculum competency checklist be adopted by education program supervisors in Science as reference and/or guide in their respective jurisdictions in the teaching of Research subjects in the Special Science
Program; and that a periodic evaluation and/or further validation of the proposed curriculum competency checklists may be instituted to further provide strengths on the spiral progression and contextualization of the competencies.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Jun Solver Camara