The study is intended to divulge the 21st century neophyte teachers’ lived experiences in teaching. The phenomenological study was utilized to espouse their experiences. Specifically, a bracketing process was used in order for the researcher to put aside his experiences in order to accurately describe the participants’ lived experiences. The data were derived from informal survey questions and in-depth interviews. In executing this method, there were two phases involved (1) the collection of the neophyte teachers lived experiences in teaching; (2) and the emerging themes out of their teaching experiences. The teacher-participants’ lived experiences in teaching reveal their collective challenges on classroom management, teacher-parents communication, and the teaching of the RVM Pedagogy. This study hopes to contribute to the collective challenges and experiences of the neophyte teachers in uplifting their morale in teaching. Furthermore, the study points to the need of the institution to strengthen the beginner teachers’ aforesaid collective challenges through seminars and trainings.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Kurt Salac Candilas