Social Science Instruction in State Universities and Colleges in Region 1: Basis for a Master of Arts in Social Science Education Curriculum

How to Cite

R. E. Salcedo, “Social Science Instruction in State Universities and Colleges in Region 1: Basis for a Master of Arts in Social Science Education Curriculum”, AJMS, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 34–49, Oct. 2018.


The study utilized the descriptive-survey and development methods of research aimed to evaluate Social Science instruction in state universities and colleges (SUCs) in Region 1. It sought to inquire on the profile of the Social Science teachers and their teaching effectiveness in the General Education Social Science courses. The study employed fourth year Teacher Education students of selected campuses of the SUCs and their Social Science teachers. The study found out that a majority of the Social Science teachers have academic degrees which are not vertically articulated but were determined to be effective in all of the Social Science courses. Some significant relationships are manifested in the correlated variables of the Social Science teachers’ professional profiles (educational attainment, academic rank, teaching experience). No significant differences in the instructional competencies among the vertically and non-vertically articulated teachers were evident. In most cases, no significant differences were also noted among the vertically and non-vertically articulated teachers in terms of teaching effectiveness. It can be concluded that Social Science teachers are generally proficient in terms of instructional competencies and teaching effectiveness in the Social Science courses and vertical articulation of academic degrees does not have much bearing on them. Based on the results of the study, a Master of Arts in Social Science Education curriculum was developed.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Renato Espinoza Salcedo