This study looked into the “Instructional Performance and Teaching Methods and Strategies of the BSE-TLE Faculty in Pangasinan State University,” school year 2012-2013, as perceived by the faculty members and students. Questionnaire was used in collecting data and was analyzed using frequency counts, percentage means and t-test for paired samples.
The faculty respondents are predominantly male, married, young adult, attended graduate education with relatively enough expertise in teaching, and had attended trainings. The faculty members frequently use appropriate teaching methods and strategies in the delivery of the lessons.
In this study, the descriptive-comparative and correlational method of research were used. The design described the profile of Faculty of Pangasinan State University teaching Technology and Livelihood Education in terms of their age, sex, civil status, educational attainment, major field of specialization, relevant trainings and seminars attended and number of years in teaching and the extent of use of teaching strategies and methodologies.
It is recommended that the university should encourage faculty members to update their competencies and skills through attendance to trainings as there are newer trends and technologies that are being discovered or evolved.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Jocelyn Abalos