The study determined the extent of opportunities of career advancement for migrant Filipino teachers in Thailand. Specifically, the following sub-problems were answered. This study was guided by the hypothesis that was formulated that there is no significant relationship between extent of opportunities of the career advancement for Migrant Filipino Teachers in Thailand and the profile variables of respondents.
The descriptive research design was used in the study. Purposive sampling technique was used in determining the respondents from migrant Filipino teachers in Thailand. The research instrument that was used in gathering the data is a questionnaire distributed and retrieved by the researcher. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted using frequency counts, percentages, mean, Spearman-rho correlation coefficient and Point Biserial and Likelihood Ratio.
Based on the results and findings accumulated, the following conclusions were generated: majority of the migrant Filipino teachers in Thailand are female young adults who are Roman Catholic believers, are teaching in the government schools for few years with a minimum qualification of college degree and specialization in English and sufficient number of seminars attended; migrant Filipino teachers perceive positive career advancement opportunities; and age and sex have moderate effect on the extent of opportunities of the career advancement for migrant Filipino teachers in Thailand.
Based on the above mentioned findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby presented: migrant Filipino teachers in Thailand may establish professional development program or activities thru their organizations or religious affiliations. Partnership with institutions for graduate degree programs may be one of the main objectives of the program to be established. Further, migrant Filipino teachers are encouraged to participate and explore on different programs or activities that may enhance their awareness and motivation for the advancement of their teaching careers.
Moreover, since age and sex have moderate effect on the extent of opportunities of the career advancement for migrant Filipino teachers in Thailand, it is recommended that further studies may be conducted to explore all possibilities which may become basis for developments of policies and guidelines for improved career advancement program.
To further enhance the career advancement opportunities for teachers, a proposed training plan for career advancement for migrant Filipino teachers is recommended.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2019 Rosalie Bonifacio, Celeste Mercado