This study determined the high school teachers’ profile with respect to gender, age, civil status, educational attainment, length of service, and monthly family income. It also investigated the extent of stress experienced by them due to such stressors as job pressure, job scope/assignment, relationship with personnel/administrators, relationship with other teachers, relationship with students, relationship with parents, school physical environment, and other school responsibilities. Further, it identified the extent of effectiveness of their use of such coping mechanisms as self-knowledge, varied interests, varied reactions, acceptance of others’ values, and varied productive activities. The significance of the differences between the extent of stress experienced by the teachers under each stressor was determined across each of the profile variables using the t-test or the analysis of variance. The significance of the relationships between the extent of stress experienced by the teachers due to each stressor and the extent of effectiveness of their use of each coping mechanism were determined by using the Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation. The significance of the relationship between the teaching performance of the teachers and the extent of stress experienced by them under each stressor, and the extent of effectiveness of their use of each coping mechanism using the Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation. The descriptive-correlational research method was used in this study. A questionnaire was used to gather data on the teachers’ profile, their extent of stress under each stressor, and the extent of effectiveness of their use of each coping mechanism. Comparison was made of the teachers’ extent of stress across each profile variable. Correlation was done to establish the relationships between extent of stress and extent of effectiveness of the use of coping mechanisms. Correlation was also done to determine the relationships between the teachers’ teaching performance and their extent of stress, and the extent of effectiveness of their use of coping mechanisms. In consideration of the findings obtained, the following conclusions are drawn: Most of the high school teachers are female, within the age group of 36-50 years old and married with highest educational attainment of BS Graduate with Masteral units who have been teaching for 10-20 years and who receive a monthly family income of P10, 000.00-P15, 000.00. The high school teachers experience moderate stressed in their job, in their relationships and in their other school responsibilities. The high school teachers experience moderate extent of effectiveness of the various coping mechanisms which they adopted. The teachers with only BS degrees are more stressed than the teachers with MA units. There is a significant relationship between the overall extent of stress of the teachers and their overall extent of effectiveness in the use of coping mechanisms. The teachers’ teaching performance is affected by their extent of stress due to their relationship with students. Based on the findings, it is recommended that: School administrators should help the teachers eliminate stress by providing seminars/trainings/ conferences on stress management. Administrators should provide clinical supervision regarding the responsibilities of teachers to inculcate in their mind that teaching is a noble calling that they need to have coping techniques so that it will not affect their teaching performance. Build more confidence among teachers by giving opportunities for development such as having masteral units with generous incentives to be able to gain knowledge on how to lessen the stress encountered due to the different stressors. The government should provide conducive classrooms, sufficient teaching devices, and other instructional materials, as well as higher compensation to relieve them of certain stressors. Private sectors and civil societies be tapped for donations/contributions. Social gatherings which include the family members be adopted by the faculty club. Hold social hour among teachers to create an atmosphere of relaxation and camaraderie. Further studies are suggested to be conducted regarding the coping mechanisms related to teaching performance. Further studies should be conducted with elementary teachers as respondents to compare their stress level with secondary teachers and the effectiveness of their coping mechanisms.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Cristina M Cervantes