Learning how to speak English language gives us confidence in expressing ourselves and gives us competitive advantage. The study analyzed the grammar proficiency level among 100 first year college students of Pangasinan State University. Descriptive method was used in the study. Survey questionnaire supported and verified the information gathered.
Findings revealed that majority of the respondents are male, aged 16 who use Tagalog as a medium of communication at home, whose residence is within Pangasinan. The respondents are competent in S-V agreement, parallelism and gerund. Profiles of the respondents have significant relationship with regard to their grammar competency.
As a result, the respondents already developed the fundamental knowledge and understanding in the topic and needed minimal assistance for mastery. With regard to the relationship, the following were concluded: As to Subject and Verb Agreement, male and young respondents have more knowledge on the items; As to Parallelism, male respondents have more knowledge; As to Gerund, older respondents have more knowledge. Thus, an enrichment material prepared by the researchers is recommended to help students master grammar.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Rhenea Lizlie B. Sanchez