Using Substitution and Ellipsis in Sentences Among PSU College Students



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M. E. Sison, “Using Substitution and Ellipsis in Sentences Among PSU College Students”, AJMS, vol. 3, no. 2, Dec. 2020.


This study aimed to determine and analyze the capability of using substitution and ellipsis in sentences of the 36 sophomore AB English Language students of PSU-Urdaneta Campus. This study specifically aimed to describe the profile of the respondents in terms of the type of high school graduated from, final grades in English 103, and most preferred English reading material. Also, this study aimed to find the level of capability of the respondents in using substitution and ellipsis along nominal, verbal, and causal. Moreover, it aimed to find the frequency and percentage distribution of the scores of the respondents in using substitution and ellipsis when grouped according to their profile variables. This study employed the descriptive method of research. Further, a questionnaire was used as the data gathering instrument with frequency counts and percentage distribution utilized as tools. The results indicated that the majority of the respondents graduated from public schools, dictionary as the most preferred English reading material, and majority got the grades of 2.5 with a descriptive rating of fair in the subject English 103 (Writing in the Discipline). It is also found that the level of capability in using substitution and ellipsis in sentences is average in substitution and ellipsis. Among the three categories in substitution, clausal received the highest percentage of passers. In the frequency distribution of the scores in using substitution and ellipsis when grouped according to their profile variables, high capability dominates in each profile variable in substitution. However, in the ellipsis, average capability dominates in each profile variable. Therefore, it is recommended that more enrichment activities in writing specifically in substitution and ellipsis should be undertaken to raise students’ knowledge of cohesive devices and could assist the students in producing high-quality both academic and non-academic writing.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Marissa E. Sison