This study was conducted to understand the parenting styles and conflicting situations of male parent-students by examining their lived experiences. The qualitative method in an intrinsic case study approach was utilized as a method of investigation in this study. Six male student-parent participants were identified using purposive sampling and were interviewed to gather the needed data. The researchers used Thematic Analysis and Transcendental methods in analyzing and interpreting the raw data provided by the participants.
The findings showed that 2 of the student-parents are aged 22, while the other three participants are aged 23 and one participant is aged 25. The three participants are fourth-year, two are third-year, and one is a 2nd-year college. Four participants have one child, compared to one participant with two children. 2 out of 6 male parent-students used attachment parenting style while the 2 used permissive and authoritative parenting, and 3 had difficulty fulfilling their role as parent-student. Participants experienced different problems, such as time management, social relation, and financial and psychological challenges. 1 out of 6 participants suffer from psychological difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and stress; as a parent-student, 3 of the participants have difficulty fulfilling their roles. One of their primary problems is financial difficulties; 1 out of 6 participants mentioned that his source of financial support is his parents.
Furthermore, all the participants stated that their motivations in life as parent-student was their children. This study shows that the coping strategies in dealing with challenges as parent-student were faith in God and having a positive mindset. The participants stated that their teenage lives differed from their male parent-student situation. In addition, participants realized that their lived experiences are more challenging than those of ordinary fathers. The student's parents learned to stand firm, become independent, and realize that every decision has consequences.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Randy Soriano, John Paul Nebrida, Elorna Abegael Gario, Bernadette Sison