We need to involve community members with diverse language skills in formal school and train teachers with varying language capacities and levels of education to be effective in MTB-MLE classrooms. As knowledge develops, we must get better at communicating research findings so that practitioners, policy makers and donors are informed and motivated by evidence about how the potential of MTB-MLE can be harnessed to achieve Education for All. In this view, the researchers aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching mother tongue subjects in preserving the first language of the primary students in Lasip Elementary School. This study will also cover the current state of MTB-MLE implementation in the selected school. The results of this study will be applicable only to the respondents and will not be used as a measure of the effectiveness of teaching the Mother Tongue who do not belong to the population of this study. The main source of data will be a questionnaire, which is prepared by the researchers.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Judy Ann S. Dela Cruz