The mother tongue is associated with the language that a child’s parents use to communicate with them, or the common language of the place a person is born and brought up in is called the native tongue. This research focused on the effects of mother tongue subject among Grade 4 students of Luciente II Elementary School in adapting English as a second language. This study will use a compare and contrast approach that will benefit to find the effect of MTB- MLE on English literacy development of children of Luciente II Elementary School. The main goal of this study is to document the developments of the students in studying their mother tongue as well as English and other international languages and national languages. This study utilized a descriptive research design and consists of well-structured questionnaires (for the Grade 4 student of Luciente II Elementary School). This study employs a descriptive research design to study on the effects of Mother Tongue Subject to the acquisition of the students to their second language. Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection (Glass & Hopkins, 1984). It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Therefore, this research design enabled the researchers to gather data from a wide range of respondents on the impact of First language to the Second language. And this helped in analyzing the response obtained on how it affects the acquisition of the students of the English language.This study examined the effects of Mother Tongue subject in student's second language acquisition. Mother tongue has a huge positive influence in defining the personality of an individual; however, the medium of education which is usually English also encourages parents to speak to their children in their second language. Thus, this leads to confusion in the minds of the children and hence, they face difficulties in mastering both first and second language.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Brenda A. Hermogeno