Yearly, intimate partner violence affects women in intimate relationships worldwide. Survivors of intimate partner violence suffer from physical, emotional, and psychological distress. The frequency of marital violence suggests that hundreds of women who are married or have been married at least once were abused by their husbands. Four (4) IPV survivors from the Philippine province of Pangasinan participated in the research. After completing a qualitative analysis of participant interview transcripts and conducting the research, this phenomenological study identified thirteen (13) key themes: subjected to different forms of cyclical abuse, decreased self-image, distorted view of reality, learning to fight back, the experience of initial struggles, taking on a new character/personality, feeling relieved, economic concerns, suffering psychological difficulties, adapting to new life, seeking advice from loved ones, taking comfort in prayers and in joining the church and religious activities, and recreation, hobby, and fitness activities. The lifeworld of participants was ideographically presented.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Corazon De Guzman, Andrew Macalma