Effectiveness and Challenges in the Organization Management of PadyaRescue, Inc., Pangasinan, Philippines


organization management
voluntary organization

How to Cite

Z. M. V. Ahmed, “Effectiveness and Challenges in the Organization Management of PadyaRescue, Inc., Pangasinan, Philippines”, AJMS, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 104–114, Dec. 2024.


- Voluntary organizations are fueled by their respective purposes or objectives which include augmenting government service delivery to cater to the unmet public needs and enrich local life. PadyaRescue, Inc. (PRI) is a youth-led, voluntary organization that initiates community projects mainly on local disaster risk reduction management and other advocacies based in Bugallon, Pangasinan, Philippines. It critically needs to gain stability and reputation while surviving as a viable system by countering inevitable internal issues. Hence, an assessment of its effective organizational management (OM) is in place. A descriptive survey research methodology to determine the perceived level of importance and the effective practice of PRI of the five pillars of OM along with project management, process management, resource management, knowledge management, and change management was employed. Results revealed that the PRI Officers deemed the five pillars of OM as highly important and that they effectively practice them. Despite a strong correlation between high regard and very effective practices in process management, project management, and knowledge management, there is a weak relationship between change management and moderate resource management. Using an importance-effectiveness matrix suggests fine-tuning of specific aspects particularly implementing change readiness and awareness assessments and intervention strategies towards a culture of change. Furthermore, challenges in the aspect of knowledge management may be addressed through resourcefulness in transforming knowledge into an accessible and comprehensible format, and the integration of knowledge-sharing practices into the organizational culture. It is recognized that key issues in the organizational management of PRI should be determined and addressed to ensure its effective and smooth operations, its optimal growth, and to sustain its societal contribution.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Zshyna Mae V. Ahmed