The purpose of this study was to analyze: the direct effect of the Emotional Question on transformational leadership ability; the direct influence of Communication Intelligence on transformational leadership ability; the direct influence of Emotional Questions on the performance of the ustadz; the direct influence of Communication Intelligence on the performance of the ustadz; the direct influence of transformational leadership on the performance of ustadz; the indirect effect of Emotional Questions on the performance of clerics through transformational leadership; the indirect influence of Communication Intelligence on the performance of Ustadz through Lebab Banten's transformational leadership. The method used is quantitative research, the population in the study is all ustadz who teach in modern Islamic boarding schools in Lebak. The number of samples was determined using the formula from the hair results (225 respondents). Data was obtained by using a questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using smart pls 3.0. The results of the study found: that there is a significant influence of emotional questions on transformational leadership; there is a significant influence of communication intelligence on transformational leadership; there is a significant influence of emotional questions on the performance of the ustadz; there is a significant influence of communication intelligence on the performance of the cleric; there is a significant influence of emotional questions on the performance of ustadz through transformational leadership mediation; there is a significant influence of emotional questions on the performance of ustadz through transformational leadership mediation.

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