The influence of education quality on various aspects of life is very significant and closely related, especially in the context of human resource progress, technology, economy, and the sustainability of a country. For this reason, this study was conducted qualitatively using an in-depth literature review of various sources of relevant previous research journals. This study is also useful as a basis for thinking to be developed and continued empirically in the field. The results of the research that was built were obtained through a literature review, three variables have a significant effect on the quality of elementary school education, including strategic planning, quality of facilities and infrastructure, and quality of school accreditation. The results of the initial hypothesis development obtained strategic planning influences the quality of school accreditation, as well as the quality of facilities and infrastructure that affect the quality of school accreditation. Strategic planning also has a direct effect on the quality of education, as well as the quality of facilities and infrastructure that directly affect the quality of education. The next hypothesis is that the quality of school accreditation affects the quality of education. This study also builds an indirect hypothesis where the quality of accreditation becomes a mediating variable so that two indirect hypotheses are obtained, including strategic planning having an indirect effect on the quality of education through the quality of accreditation. The quality of facilities and infrastructure has an indirect effect on the quality of education in elementary schools. Based on these results, this study is worthy of being used as a reference for further research that can be tested empirically on populations at various school levels.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Sakti Andayani, Uli Wildan Nuryanto