This study aimed to determine which domain of beginning teachers’ instructional practices significantly influenced student satisfaction among secondary schools of Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte. It used descriptive correlational research, with 236 students of beginning TLE teachers as the respondents. The researcher adapted research instruments both for instructional practices of beginning teachers and student satisfaction. The Mean, Pearsons R, and Regression were used to treat the gathered data. The results revealed that the level of instructional practices of beginning TLE teachers were practiced oftentimes, and students were very much satisfied on the Teaching, Assessment, and Generic Skills and Learning Experiences. It was confirmed that when the instructional practices of beginning teachers were always practiced, the students were very satisfied, since the result revealed that there is a significant relationship between instructional practices of beginning TLE teachers and student satisfaction. Lastly, it is concluded that only planning strategies significantly influence student satisfaction; other domains of instructional practices of beginning TLE teachers did not influence student satisfaction. The study serves as basis for mentoring beginning teachers.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ian Saguing Somosot