Abstract - The objective of the study is to develop and validate the enhancement material in Science and Health 5 for the pupils of Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School in the school year 2015 – 2016.
The subjects of the study were the grade 5 pupils of Mariano C. San Juan Elementary School. A total of forty - four (44) pupils were considered in the study, twenty-two (22) served as the experimental group and twenty-two (22) were in the control group.
Thirty (30) public elementary school teachers who are teaching Science were also considered as respondents of the study since they validated the acceptability of the developed enhancement material in Science and Health 5.
The topics included were those found by the respondents difficult and based from their National Achievement Test results. The topics were derived on 2010 Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) Basic Education Curriculum (BEC). The topics made with the developed modules are The Reproductive System, The Respiratory System and The Urinary System.
After the selection of the respondents used in the study, the researcher classified the experimental group and control group. When pretest was validated and item analyzed, the researcher administered the pretest to the two groups of respondents. The experimental group was taught using the developed enhancement material in Science and Health 5 while the control group was taught without using the enhancement material in Science and Health 5. After the conduct of the study, the posttest was given to both groups to determine the developed enhancement material in Science and Health 5. The data were tallied, analyzed and subjected to appropriate statistical treatment.
From the findings of the study, it is concluded that the achievement of the experimental group in Science and Health significantly changed as compared to the performance of the control groups.
The results described that the developed enhancement material in Science and Health 5 is highly acceptable by the respondents. Furthermore, there is a significant difference on the level of performance of Grade 5 pupils in the control group as revealed by the pretest and posttest results in terms of the Reproductive System, Respiratory System, and The Urinary System since the computed p-value are 0.000 respectively are less than 0.05 level of significance. Also, there is significant difference on the level of performance of kindergarten pupils in the experimental group as revealed by pretest and posttest results since the computed p-value of 0.00 respectively are less than 0.05 level of significance. However, there is no significant difference on the level of performance of Grade 5 pupils in control and experimental groups as revealed by the posttest result in terms of The respiratory System since the computed p-value is 0.0354 which is greater than 0.05 level of significance.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Paulo Martin Militante Aquino